Website Check
In the website section you can check if there is a webserver running with a secure HTTPS protocol on port 443, or at least with insecure HTTP protocol on port 80. You will also see the HTTP protocol beeing used: HTTP/1, HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2. By the way we are not only reporting which protocol the webserver is advertizing, we are checking if the advertized protocol version actually works. You may therefore use this section to verify that HTTP/2 is working correctly on any given website.
We are not yet checking for HTTP/3, as this protocol has still some rough edges, but we will add HTTP/3 checking in the near future.
Finally we will show you the actual webserver type and version used.
The color of the dot indicates at a glance if a webserver is running on the domain or not. By clicking on the URL you will be taken diretly to the website in a new tab. Be extremely careful, however, as we cannot guarantee that it is safe to visit this URL. If the Abuse and Blacklist Checks are not green, it is advisable to rather not take the risk.
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